Update of the Biomass (AGB) products

Figure 1: Above Ground Biomass estimated with SMOS VOD, based on ESA CCI 2018


The dataset of the estimated AGB derived from SMOS L-VOD has been updated, with the following version of the products

  • SM_SCIE_MIR_L4AGBA_20110101T000000_20231231T235959_100_004_8.nc
  • SM_SCIE_MIR_L4AGBB_20110101T000000_20231231T235959_100_003_8.nc

Compared to the previous version, three minor changes are implemented. First, the dataset is extended to 2023, covering now 13 years from 2011. Second, the method to provide the error has been revised. Third, a small area in the north of South America is filtered due to an abrupt change in the soil temperature used in the algorithm.

More information and product access here.