CDF latHlonl historynone institutionSMOS CATDS Processing Chain referencesCAT-DDI-CT-00020-CGsource CATDS CECSMtitleGrid Point Maskease_origin_lat§ease_origin_lon3ease_resolutionAease_projection cylindrical ease_globalyes conventionsCF-1.4 creation_date2015-07-03T06:44:35product_version1.0netcdf_version_id3.6.2 grip_mapping projectiondatum+ellps = WGS84srid EPSG:6933 proj4textJ+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs lat  long_namelatitudeunits degrees_north @lon  long_name longitudeunits degrees_east` USGS_Sea_Flag commenta0 means that the pixel is not considered Sea in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction below 95%) long_name]1 means that the pixel is considered Sea in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction above 95%)unitsNA ^`.USGS_Land_Flag commentb0 means that the pixel is not considered Land in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction above 10%) long_name^1 means that the pixel is considered Land in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction below 10%)unitsNA ^` pUSGS_Mixed_Flag commentp0 means that the pixel is not considered Mixed in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction below 10% OR above 95%) long_namem1 means that the pixel is considered Mixed in the USGS Land-Sea mask (water fraction above 10% AND below 95%)unitsNA ^`x200km_Coastal_flag comment0 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of more than 200 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 200km) long_name1 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of less than 200 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 200km)unitsNA ^`%I0x100km_Coastal_flag comment0 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of more than 100 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 100km) long_name1 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of less than 100 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 100km)unitsNA ^`1x40km_Coastal_flag comment0 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of more than 40 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 40km) long_name1 means that the pixel has a distance from the coast of less than 40 Km (using the MERIS uncertainty map with its coasts extended to 40km)unitsNA ^`>Min_Sea_Ice_flag commentt0 means that the pixel does not have the full 12 months bit ICE set in the ice mask defined in the L2 AUX_DISTAN ADF long_namem1 means that the pixel  have the full 12 months bit ICE set in the ice mask defined in the L2 AUX_DISTAN ADFunitsNA ^`JdPMax_Sea_Ice_flag commento0 means that the pixel does not have any 12 months bit ICE set in the ice mask defined in the L2 AUX_DISTAN ADF long_namel1 means that the pixel does have any 12 months bit ICE set in the ice mask defined in the L2 AUX_DISTAN ADF unitsNA ^`V°§£V¡dŸ"~3›84™y—–I”\“fS’ D|0ŽDv‹QŠ[‰ˆ‡†}…„ƒ ‚:€€V~J|zy,]wutC9rqhomlyjizLhfeec@b@h`_t^\l[ZIZXWYV TSpR(=, Itq(ZX#!V`63mcާq]כ.(ZМe!}e^ɪv5|F U25nX0iV+IBZX@BI U f zgk4|y]vrܣoBl^i ebK_k\0XhUROKLHEBq?;<j8x52mG/;, H(%d"w5GRS`% 36 ژ-T\9+a-ҽ,l|-ߓD_`Xtahh[OAB6)WJiه}tV_8uaI/P/=/>>?/P?aI?u?8?V_?t?}@ه@i@J@)W@6@B@OA@[@hh@ta@X@`@_@@@D@@ߓ@-@|@@@l@ҽ,@@a-@+@@\9@T@-AAژA A 36A`%AASAARAGA"w5A%dA(A, HA/;A2mGA5A8xA<jA?;ABqAEAHALAOKARAUAXhA\0A_kAbKAeAi Al^AoBArܣAvAy]A|AAA4AkAzgAAAf A AAUA AAIAAABAAA@AAXABZAAAIA+AAVAAAiA0AAXA5nA2AAUA AFA|A5AvAɪAe^A!}AeAМAZAA(Aכ.A]AAqAާAmcA3AA6A`AVA!AAAAX#A(ZAAAqAtAIA B|>BhBUBCB2%B!&BB BBB B ȲB KB B BPBBBByBs BmJBhVBd1B`B^aB\B[B\ B]B^BaBesB j!B!oB"vgB#~B$B%SB& B'B(B)B*B+B,dB.B/B0-B1DB2[B3tB4B59B6#B7vB97B:&oB;I%BB?BA6BB:BChBDBE)BFBH3BIjmBJBKBMBN\%BOBPBR(5S+覻!$Y操*^vm0dcZ6Pj˟F=<ܸp3ۮ* ڥB vٛؒ H׈|~uMkbSXӼN%EY;ζ2+ͭ_(̣˚1eʐ ɇ7}ksj˜?r——5––,D•x•"””“J“~’’‘PwmŽ!ŽdVߊZŒŒQ'‹[‹GŠŠ=‰-‰4aˆˆ*‡‡!3†g†……„9„mƒ‚‚v ?ls€€b ~}|[{z,yxxwogveu\8tRsI r?rq5p,Do"nm~ljPih!gߊfe[dc-ba`g_^9]\v [lsZbYYEXOWFV<U2T)PSR"Q PN\ML.KܗJIhHG:FE DtCBEA|@s?i>_=VQnjwfQ'b*^mYUQVMjIDE?@<ц8)40^o,8(#XxAQ+ *p$&l슳=?ӤW Wq$)o>Bp`O~(>.K@ Yɿ⿶ehdV%1n˟>˟>1n?%?hdV?e???@ Y@@.K@@>@O~(@`@p@B@@>@o@)@$@q@W@ @W@Ӥ@?@=@슳@l@$&ApAA *A+AQAxAAAA#XA(A,8A0^oA4A8)A<цA@AE?AIDAMjAQVAUAYA^mAb*AfQ'AjwAnAr>AvA{A7UAAA6AdAAA!A5AHMA[{AnAAA5AdAΒAAAALA.zAAATAhA{4AcAAAAAKAzAA'A;AN4AabAtAЇAҚAԮAKAyAAAA!3A4aAGAZAmAAJAxAAAA2AaAA-B vB* B3B=_B?iB@sBA|BBEBCBDtBE BFBG:BHBIhBJBKܗBL.BMBN\BPBQ BR"BSBT)PBU2BV<BWFBXOBYYEBZbB[lsB\v B]B^9B_B`gBaBbBc-BdBe[BfBgߊBh!BiBjPBlBm~BnBo"Bp,DBq5Br?rBsI BtRBu\8BveBwogBxxByBz,B{B|[B}B~B BbBBlsB?Bv BBBmB9BBBBgB!3BB*BB4aB-B=BBGB[BQ'BBZBߊBdVB!BmBBwBPBBBB~BJBBB"BxB,DBB5BB?rB>BI BBRBlB\8BBeBBogB2BxBBBaB,BBBB[B$&BB-BB7UB B@BŸBJBOBTBB]B}BgIBBpBBzxBCBBBBrB=B BB%BlB/7BB8BBBfB1BKBBUB`B_,BBhBBrZB&B{BBB TB BBBBNB'BB0B}B:HBBCBȫBMwBBBWBB`BqBjBÁBHMBBQBְB[{BGBeBBnBuBxAB BBBoB;BBBB#iB5B-BB6BdB@/BBIBΒBS^B)B\BBfBXBp#BByBCACCuCCK@CC CrCTC=C٣C C^oCC:C%ChClCC/7CqCCiC8C{4CCCBfCC1C CKCcCC .C UC C `C C _,C C C &]C hC )C C /C rZC C &C 9C {C WCCC#CCC TCLC CцCCVQCCCC_CNCC'CiCCKC0CsC}CC:HC|CCzCCCECȫC CMwCCBCCWCtCC?C`C CqC'Cj